Mostrando ítems 61-80 de 227

    • Erratum to: Theobroma cacao L. pathogenesis-related gene tandem array members show diverse expression dynamics in response to pathogen colonization 

      Fister, Andrew S.; Mejia, Luis C.; Zhang, Yufan; Herre, Edward Allen; Maximova, Siela N.; Guiltinan, Mark J. (2016-09-07)
      The original version of the manuscript [1] contained an incorrectly named Criollo gene ID on chromosome 1 in the first sentence, under the subheading “Organization of PR gene families into tandem arrays”. The second gene ...
    • Exposure to the leaf litter microbiome of healthy adults protects seedlings from pathogen damage 

      Christian, Natalie; Herre, Edward Allen; Mejia, Luis C.; Clay, Keith (2017-07-05)
      It is increasingly recognized that microbiota affect host health and physiology. However, it is unclear what factors shape microbiome community assembly in nature, and how microbiome assembly can be manipulated to improve ...
    • Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 

      Wang, Haidong; Naghavi, Mohsen; Allen, Christine; Barber, Ryan M; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Carter, Austin; Casey, Daniel C; Charlson, Fiona J; Chen, Alan Zian; Coates, Matthew M; Coggeshall, Megan; Dandona, Lalit; Dicker, Daniel J; Erskine, Holly E; Ferrari, Alize J; Fitzmaurice, Christina; Foreman, Kyle; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Fraser, Maya S; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W; Goldberg, Ellen M; Graetz, Nicholas; Haagsma, Juanita A; Hay, Simon I; Huynh, Chantal; Johnson, Catherine O; Kassebaum, Nicholas J; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kulikoff, Xie Rachel; Kutz, Michael; Kyu, Hmwe H; Larson, Heidi J; Leung, Janni; Liang, Xiaofeng; Lim, Stephen S; Lind, Margaret; Lozano, Rafael; Marquez, Neal; Mensah, George A; Mikesell, Joe; Mokdad, Ali H; Mooney, Meghan D; Nguyen, Grant; Nsoesie, Elaine; Pigott, David M; Pinho, Christine; Roth, Gregory A; Salomon, Joshua A; Sandar, Logan; Silpakit, Naris; Sligar, Amber; Sorensen, Reed JD; Stanaway, Jeffrey; Steiner, Caitlyn; Teeple, Stephanie; Thomas, Bernadette A; Troeger, Christopher; VanderZanden, Amelia; Vollset, Stein Emil; Wanga, Valentine; Whiteford, Harvey A; Wolock, Timothy; Zoeckler, Leo; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbas, Kaja M; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abera, Semaw Ferede; Abreu, Daisy MX; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Yitayih Abyu, Gebre; Achoki, Tom; Adelekan, Ademola Lukman; Ademi, Zanfina; Adou, Arsène Kouablan; Adsuar, José C; Afanvi, Kossivi Agbelenko; Afshin, Ashkan; Agardh, Emilie Elisabet; Agarwal, Arnav; Agrawal, Anurag; Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad; Ajala, Oluremi N; Akanda, Ali Shafqat; Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola; Akinyemiju, Tomi F; Akseer, Nadia; Al Lami, Faris Hasan; Alabed, Samer; Al-Aly, Ziyad; Alam, Khurshid; Alam, Noore KM; Alasfoor, Deena; Aldhahri, Saleh Fahed; Aldridge, Robert William; Alegretti, Miguel Angel; Aleman, Alicia V; Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw; Alexander, Lily T; Alhabib, Samia; Ali, Raghib; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Alla, François; Allebeck, Peter; Al-Raddadi, Rajaa; Alsharif, Ubai; Altirkawi, Khalid A; Alvarez Martin, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amare, Azmeraw T; Amegah, Adeladza Kofi; Ameh, Emmanuel A; Amini, Heresh; Ammar, Walid; Amrock, Stephen Marc; Andersen, Hjalte H; Anderson, Benjamin O; Anderson, Gregory M; T Antonio, Carl Abelardo; Aregay, Atsede Fantahun; Ärnlöv, Johan; Arsic Arsenijevic, Valentina S; Artaman, Al; Asayesh, Hamid; Asghar, Rana Jawad; Atique, Suleman; Arthur Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G; Awasthi, Ashish; Azzopardi, Peter; Bacha, Umar; Badawi, Alaa; Bahit, Maria C; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Banerjee, Amitava; Barac, Aleksandra; Barker-Collo, Suzanne L; Bärnighausen, Till; Barregard, Lars; Barrero, Lope H; Basu, Arindam; Basu, Sanjay; Bayou, Yibeltal Tebekaw; Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Beghi, Ettore; Adamu Belay, Haileeyesus; Bell, Brent; Bell, Michelle L (2016-10-08)
      Background Improving survival and extending the longevity of life for all populations requires timely, robust evidence on local mortality levels and trends. The Global Burden of Disease 2015 Study (GBD 2015) provides a ...
    • American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Panama: a historical review of entomological studies on anthropophilic Lutzomyia sand fly species 

      Dutari, Larissa C.; Loaiza, Jose R. (2014-05-11)
      We review existing information on the epidemiology of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) in Panama, with emphasis on the bionomics of anthropophilic Lutzomyia sand fly species. Evidence from Panamanian studies suggests ...
    • Geographic Expansion of the Invasive Mosquito Aedes albopictus across Panama— Implications for Control of Dengue and Chikungunya Viruses 

      Miller, Matthew J.; Loaiza, Jose R. (2015-01-08)
      The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus, is an invasive species that has expanded its territory to over 40% of the earth’s terrestrial landmass in the last 30 years [1]. Ae. albopictus is an efficient vector ...
    • Enzootic Arbovirus Surveillance in Forest Habitat and Phylogenetic Characterization of Novel Isolates of Gamboa Virus in Panama 

      Eastwood, Gillian; Loaiza, Jose R.; Pongsiri, Montira J.; Sanjur, Oris I.; Pecor, James E.; Auguste, Albert J.; Kramer, Laura D. (2016-04-06)
      Landscape changes occurring in Panama, a country whose geographic location and climate have historically supported arbovirus transmission, prompted the hypothesis that arbovirus prevalence increases with degradation of ...
    • Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 

      Lim, Stephen S; Allen, Kate; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Dandona, Lalit; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W; Goldberg, Ellen M; Hay, Simon I; Holmberg, Mollie; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kutz, Michael J; Larson, Heidi J; Liang, Xiaofeng; Lopez, Alan D; Lozano, Rafael; McNellan, Claire R; Mokdad, Ali H; Mooney, Meghan D; Naghavi, Mohsen; Olsen, Helen E; Pigott, David M; Salomon, Joshua A; Vos, Theo; Wang, Haidong; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbas, Kaja M; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abdulle, Abdishakur M; Abraham, Biju; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME; Yitayih Abyu, Gebre; Achoki, Tom; Adebiyi, Akindele Olupelumi; Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi; Agbelenko Afanvi, Kossivi; Afshin, Ashkan; Agarwal, Arnav; Agrawal, Anurag; Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad; Ahmadieh, Hamid; Ahmed, Kedir Yimam; Akanda, Ali Shafqat; Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola; Akinyemiju, Tomi F; Akseer, Nadia; Al-Aly, Ziyad; Alam, Khurshid; Alam, Uzma; Alasfoor, Deena; AlBuhairan, Fadia S; Aldhahri, Saleh Fahed; Aldridge, Robert William; Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw; Ali, Raghib; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Alkhateeb, Mohammad AB; Alla, François; Allebeck, Peter; Allen, Christine; Al-Raddadi, Rajaa; Alsharif, Ubai; Altirkawi, Khalid A; Alvarez Martin, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amare, Azmeraw T; Amberbir, Alemayehu; Amegah, Adeladza Kofi; Amini, Heresh; Ammar, Walid; Amrock, Stephen Marc; Andersen, Hjalte H; Anderson, Benjamin O; Anderson, Gregory M; T Antonio, Carl Abelardo; Anwari, Palwasha; Ärnlöv, Johan; Artaman, Al; Asayesh, Hamid; Jawad Asghar, Rana; Atique, Suleman; Arthur Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G; Awasthi, Ashish; Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina; Azzopardi, Peter; Bacha, Umar; Badawi, Alaa; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Banerjee, Amitava; Barac, Aleksandra; Barber, Ryan; Barker-Collo, Suzanne L; Bärnighausen, Till; Barrero, Lope H; Barrientos-Gutierrez, Tonatiuh; Basu, Sanjay; Bayou, Tigist Assefa; Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Beghi, Ettore; Béjot, Yannick; Bell, Michelle L; Bello, Aminu K; Bennett, Derrick A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Benzian, Habib; Berhane, Adugnaw; Bernabé, Eduardo; Bernal, Oscar Alberto; Demtsu Betsu, Balem; Beyene, Addisu Shunu; Bhala, Neeraj; Bhatt, Samir; Biadgilign, Sibhatu; Bienhoff, Kelly A; Bikbov, Boris; Binagwaho, Agnes; Bisanzio, Donal; Bjertness, Espen; Blore, Jed; Bourne, Rupert RA; Brainin, Michael; Brauer, Michael; Brazinova, Alexandra; Breitborde, Nicholas JK; Broday, David M; Brugha, Traolach S; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Butt, Zahid A; Cahill, Leah E; Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo; Campuzano, Julio Cesar; Carabin, Hélène; Cárdenas, Rosario; Carrero, Juan Jesus; Carter, Austin; Casey, Daniel; Caso, Valeria; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castillo Rivas, Jacqueline; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cavalleri, Fiorella; Cecílio, Pedro; Chang, Hsing-Yi; Chang, Jung-Chen (2016-10-08)
      In September, 2015, the UN General Assembly established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs specify 17 universal goals, 169 targets, and 230 indicators leading up to 2030. We provide an analysis of 33 ...
    • Antimicrobial-producing Pseudoalteromonas from the marine environment of Panama shows a high phylogenetic diversity and clonal structure 

      Atencio, Librada A.; Dal Grande, Francesco; Ow Young, Giannina; Gavilán, Ronnie; Guzmán, Héctor M.; Schmitt, | Imke; Mejía, Luis C.; Gutiérrez, Marcelino (2018-06-02)
      Pseudoalteromonas is a genus of marine bacteria often found in association with other organisms. Although several studies have examined Pseudoalteromonas diversity and their antimicrobial activity, its diversity in tropical ...
    • α-Glucosidase inhibitors from a mangrove associated fungus, Zasmidium sp. strain EM5-10 

      Lopéz, Dioxelis; Cherigo, Lilia; Mejia, Luis C.; Loza‑Mejía, Marco A.; Martínez‑Luis, Sergio (2019-02-07)
      Mangroves plants and their endophytes represent a natural source of novel and bioactive compounds. In our ongoing research on mangrove endophytes from the Panamanian Pacifc Coast, we have identifed several bio‑ active ...
    • Epidemic and Non-Epidemic Hot Spots of Malaria Transmission Occur in Indigenous Comarcas of Panama 

      Lainhart, William; Dutari, Larissa C.; Rovira, Jose R.; C. Sucupira, Izis M.; Póvoa, Marinete M.; Conn, Jan E.; Loaiza, Jose R. (2016-05-16)
      From 2002–2005, Panama experienced a malaria epidemic that has been associated with El Niño Southern Oscillation weather patterns, decreased funding for malaria control, and landscape modification. Case numbers quickly ...
    • Molecular Ecological Insights into Neotropical Bird–Tick Interactions 

      Miller1, Matthew J.; Loaiza, Jose R.; Herre, Edward Allen; Aguilar, Celestino; Quintero, Diomedes; Alvarez, Eric; Bermingham, Eldredge; Esser, Helen J. (2016-05-20)
      In the tropics, ticks parasitize many classes of vertebrate hosts. However, because many tropical tick species are only identifiable in the adult stage, and these adults usually parasitize mammals, most attention on the ...
    • A Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes 

      Ladner, Jason T.; Wiley, Michael R.; Beitzel, Brett; Auguste, Albert J.; Dupuis, Alan P.; Lindquist, Michael E.; Sibley, Samuel D.; Kota, Krishna P.; Fettere, David; Eastwood, Gillian; Kimme, David; Prieto, Karla; Guzman, Hilda; Aliota, Matthew T.; Reyes, Daniel; Brueggemann, Ernst E.; John, Lena St.; Hyeroba, David; Lauck, Michael; Friedrich, Thomas C.; O’Connor, David H.; Gestole, Marie C.; Cazares, Lisa H.; Popov, Vsevolod L.; Castro-Llanos, Fanny; Kochel, Tadeusz J.; Kenny, Tara; White, Bailey; Ward, Michael D.; Loaiza, Jose R.; Goldberg, Tony L.; Weaver, Scott C.; Kramer, Laura D.; Tesh, Robert B.; Palacios, Gustavo (2016-09-14)
      RNA viruses exhibit a variety of genome organization strategies, including multicomponent genomes in which each segment is packaged separately. Although multicomponent genomes are common among viruses infecting plants and ...
    • Host affinity of endophytic fungi and the potential for reciprocal interactions involving host secondary chemistry 

      Christian, Natalie; Sedio, Brian E.; Florez-Buitrago, Ximena; Ramírez-Camejo, Luis A.; Rojas, Enith I.; Mejía, Luis C.; Palmedo, Sage; Rose, Autumn; Schroeder, John W.; Herre, Edward Allen (2019-11-23)
      PREMISE: Interactions between fungal endophytes and their host plants present useful systems for identifying important factors affecting assembly of host-associated microbiomes. Here we investigated the role of secondary ...
    • Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 

      Wang, Haidong; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Coates, Matthew M; Coggeshall, Megan; Dandona, Lalit; Diallo, Khassoum; Barboza Franca, Elisabeth; Fraser, Maya; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W; Hay, Simon I; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kita, Maaya; Kulikoff, Xie Rachel; Larson, Heidi J; Liang, Juan; Liang, Xiaofeng; Lim, Stephen S; Lind, Margaret; Lopez, Alan D; Lozano, Rafael; Mensah, George A; Mikesell, Joseph B; Mokdad, Ali H; Mooney, Meghan D; Naghavi, Mohsen; Nguyen, Grant; Rakovac, Ivo; Salomon, Joshua A; Silpakit, Naris; Sligar, Amber; Sorensen, Reed JD; Vos, Theo; Zhu, Jun; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Hassen Abate, Kalkidan; Abbas, Kaja M; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abdulle, Abdishakur M; Abera, Semaw Ferede; Aboyans, Victor; Abraham, Biju; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME; Yitayih Abyu, Gebre; Achoki, Tom; Adebiyi, Akindele Olupelumi; Akinkunmi Adedeji, Isaac; Lukman Adelekan, Ademola; Kouablan Adou, Arsène; Agarwal, Arnav; Ajala, Oluremi N; Akinyemiju, Tomi F; Akseer, Nadia; Alam, Khurshid; Alam, Noore KM; Alasfoor, Deena; Aldridge, Robert William; Alegretti, Miguel Angel; Aderaw Alemu, Zewdie; Ali, Raghib; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Alla, François; Al-Raddadi, Rajaa; Alsharif, Ubai; Altirkawi, Khalid A; Alvarez Martin, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amare, Azmeraw T; Amberbir, Alemayehu; Amegah, Adeladza Kofi; Ameh, Emmanuel A; Ammar, Walid; Amrock, Stephen Marc; Andersen, Hjalte H; Anderson, Gregory M; T Antonio, Carl Abelardo; Ärnlöv, Johan; Artaman, Al; Asayesh, Hamid; Jawad Asghar, Rana; Assadi, Reza; Atique, Suleman; Arthur Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G; Awasthi, Ashish; Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina; Bacha, Umar; Badawi, Alaa; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Banerjee, Amitava; Banigbe, Bolanle F; Barac, Aleksandra; Barber, Ryan M; Barker-Collo, Suzanne L; Bärnighausen, Till; Barrero, Lope H; Assefa Bayou, Tigist; Tebekaw Bayou, Yibeltal; Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Bekele, Tolesa; Bell, Michelle L; Bello, Aminu K; Bennett, Derrick A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Berhane, Adugnaw; Bernabé, Eduardo; Demtsu Betsu, Balem; Shunu Beyene, Addisu; Bhatt, Samir; Biadgilign, Sibhatu; Bikbov, Boris; Mentes Birlik, Sait; Bisanzio, Donal; Bjertness, Espen; Blore, Jed D; Bourne, Rupert RA; Brainin, Michael; Brazinova, Alexandra; Breitborde, Nicholas JK; Brown, Alexandria; Colin Buckle, Geoffrey; Burch, Michael; Butt, Zahid A; Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo; Campuzano, Julio Cesar; Cárdenas, Rosario; Carpenter, David O; Carrero, Juan Jesus; Carter, Austin; Casey, Daniel C; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castillo Rivas, Jacqueline; Estanislao Castro, Ruben; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cercy, Kelly; Chang, Hsing-Yi; Chang, Jung-Chen; Ezinne Chibueze, Chioma; Hichilombwe Chisumpa, Vesper; Jasmine Choi, Jee-Young; Chowdhury, Rajiv; Jesudas Christopher, Devasahayam; Ciobanu, Liliana G; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Cooper, Cyrus; Cornaby, Leslie; Abrha Damtew, Solomon (2016-10-08)
      Established in 2000, Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG4) catalysed extraordinary political, fi nancial, and social commitments to reduce under-5 mortality by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015. At the country level, the ...
    • Host specificity in a diverse Neotropical tick community: an assessment using quantitative network analysis and host phylogeny 

      Esser, Helen J.; Herre, Edward Allen; Blüthgen, Nico; Loaiza, Jose R.; Bermúdez, Sergio E.; Jansen, Patrick A. (2016-06-29)
      Background: Host specificity is a fundamental determinant of tick population and pathogen transmission dynamics, and therefore has important implications for human health. Tick host specificity is expected to be particularly ...
    • Disturbance and mosquito diversity in the lowland tropical rainforest of central Panama 

      Loaiza, Jose R.; Dutar, Larissa C.; Rovira, Jose R.; Sanjur, Oris I.; Laporta, Gabriel Z.; Peco, James; Foley, Desmond H.; Eastwood, Gillian; Kramer, Laura D.; Radtke, Meghan; Pongsiri, Montira (2017-08-03)
      The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH) is well-known in ecology providing an explanation for the role of disturbance in the coexistence of climax and colonist species. Here, we used the IDH as a framework to describe ...
    • Forest disturbance and vector transmitted diseases in thelowland tropical rainforest of central Panama 

      Loaiza, Jose R.; Rovira, Jose R.; Sanjur, Oris I.; Altagracia Zepeda, Jesus; Pecor, James E.; Foley, Desmond H.; Dutari, Larissa; Radtke, Meghan; Pongsiri, Montira J.; Smith Molinar, Octavio; Laporta, Gabriel Z. (2019-07-07)
      objective To explore possible changes in the community attributes of haematophagous insects as afunction of forest disturbance. We compare the patterns of diversity and abundance, plus thebehavioural responses of three ...
    • Copper interactions with DNA of chromatin and its rolein neurodegenerative disorders. 

      Govindaraju, M; Shekar, HS; Sateesha, SB; Vasudeva Raju, P; Rao, KR Sambasiva; Rao, KS Jagannatha; Rajamma, AJ (2013-10-01)
      In this study, we have demonstrated the conformational changes to DNA induced by abnormal interactions of copper using circular dichroism, in combination with UV-absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Results confirm ...
    • Revisiting metal toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases and stroke: Therapeutic potential. 

      Mitra, Joy; Vasquez, Velmarini; Hegde, Pavana M.; Boldogh, Istvan; Mitra, Sankar; Kent, Thomas A.; Rao, KS Jagannatha; Hegde, Muralidhar L (2015-01-23)
      Excessive accumulation of pro-oxidant metals, observed in affected brain regions, has consistently been implicated as a ontributor to the brain pathology including neurodegenerative diseases and acute injuries such as ...
    • Erratum: Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2015: The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (The Lancet HIV (2016) 3 … 

      Wang, Haidong; Wolock, Tim M; Carter, Austin; Nguyen, Grant; Kyu, Hmwe Hmwe; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Hay, Simon I; Mills, Edward J; Trickey, Adam; Msemburi, William; Coates, Matthew M; Mooney, Meghan D; Fraser, Maya S; Sligar, Amber; Salomon, Joshua; Larson, Heidi J; Friedman, Joseph; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Hassen Abate, Kalkidan; Abbas, Kaja M; Abd El Razek, Mohamed Magdy; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abdulle, Abdishakur M; Abera, Semaw Ferede; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME; Abyu, Gebre Yitayih; Adebiyi, Akindele Olupelumi; Akinkunmi Adedeji, Isaac; Lukman Adelekan, Ademola; Adofo, Koranteng; Ajala, Oluremi N; Akinyemiju, Tomi F; Akseer, Nadia; Al Lami, Faris Hasan; Al-Aly, Ziyad; Alam, Khurshid; Alam, Noore KM; Alasfoor, Deena; Aldhahri, Saleh Fahed S; William Aldridge, Robert; Alegretti, Miguel Angel; Aleman, Alicia V; Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw; Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael; Ali, Raghib; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Mohammad, Rajaa; Al-Raddadi, Salem; Alsharif, Ubai; Alvarez, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amare, Azmeraw T; Amberbir, Alemayehu; Amegah, Adeladza Kofi; Ammar, Walid; Amrock, Stephen Marc; T Antonio, Carl Abelardo; Anwari, Palwasha; Johan, Ã; Artaman, Al; Asayesh, Hamid; Asghar, Rana Jawad; Assadi, Reza; Atique, Suleman; Atkins, Lydia S; Arthur Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G; Awasthi, Ashish; Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina; Bacha, Umar; Badawi, Alaa; Barac, Aleksandra; Till, BÃ; Basu, Arindam; Bayou, Tigist Assefa; Bayou, Yibeltal Tebekaw; Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Bennett, Derrick A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Betsu, Balem Demtsu; Beyene, Addisu Shunu; Bhatia, Eesh; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Biadgilign, Sibhatu; Bikbov, Boris; Mentes Birlik, Sait; Bisanzio, Donal; Brainin, Michael; Brazinova, Alexandra; Breitborde, Nicholas JK; Brown, Alexandria; Burch, Michael; Butt, Zahid A; Campuzano, Julio Cesar; Rosario, CÃ; Carrero, Juan Jesus; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castillo Rivas, Jacqueline; Yi Chang, Hsing; Chang, Jung chen; Chavan, Laxmikant; Chen, Wanqing; Chia Chiang, Peggy Pei; Chibalabala, Mirriam; Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe; Jasmine Choi, Jee Young; Jesudas Christopher, Devasahayam; Ciobanu, Liliana G; Cooper, Cyrus; Dahiru, Tukur; Abreha Damtew, Solomon; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; de Jager, Pieter; De Leo, Diego; Degenhardt, Louisa; Dellavalle, Robert P; Deribe, Kebede; Deribew, Amare; Des Jarlais, Don C; Dharmaratne, Samath D; Ding, Eric L; Doshi, Pratik Pinal; Driscoll, Tim R; Dubey, Manisha; Elshrek, Yousef Mohamed; Elyazar, Iqbal; Endries, Aman Yesuf; Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich; Eshrati, Babak; Esteghamati, Alireza; Faghmous, Imad DA; Faro, Andre; Farvid, Maryam S; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed Mohammad; Fernandes, Joao C; Fischer, Florian; Ander Fitchett, Joseph Robert; Foigt, Nataliya; Fullman, Nancy; Fürst, Thomas; Gebre, Teshome; Gebremedhin, Amanuel Tesfay; Gebru, Alemseged Aregay; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Gessner, Bradford D (2016-09-01)
      GBD 2015 HIV Collaborators. Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet HIV 2016; 3: e361–87—In this Article, Kerrie ...